“Where did you study all this goodly speech?”
Katherine (to Petruchio) in The Taming of the Shrew,
by William Shakespeare, Act II, Scene 1, line 264
Actors need to make sure that every syllable is heard clearly, and they need to do this in a way that helps them create a believable character within the imaginary circumstances of the scene. We certainly don’t like speech that is too good—speech that is artificial and sounds as if it is “put on.”
The power, control, and subtlety of voice and speech can convey the nuances of character and aid the actor in playing his or her action to the fullest extent.
Brian has been coaching actors in voice and speech for decades, through the Speech Studio since 1984 and before that as a professor of speech and theatre.
As a speech coach he will develop a voice and speech performance technique that will help you meet the demands of any role.
He can help you create a pre-performance warm-up routine and resolve any voice and speech problems you may have.
He will work with you in detail on all vowels, diphthongs, and consonants and increase your vocal strength, resonance, range, and flexibility so that you can project your voice without strain and gain intensity without tension.
He works with you in a way that integrates voice, body, text, and acting technique and explores a dynamic use of pitch, intonation, rhythm, rate, volume, pause, and intensity to create a use of voice that is exciting and expressive.
Brian can also help you prepare for auditions, enhance your cold reading technique, and work on monologues, scenes, or entire roles.
Brian has a particular expertise in working with foreign actors whose first language is not English. He can help non-native speakers speak English absolutely clearly, correctly, and fluently. His accent reduction coaching will help actors speak Standard American Speech so that they can expand their audition opportunities and the kinds of roles they play.
Whether you are an actor preparing for an audition or the role of a lifetime, contact Brian today to assure you will make an indelible impression.

“The ‘l’, ‘m’, and ‘n’ are the actor’s best friends.”
Mary Agnes Doyle, Legendary Voice and Speech Coach
The Goodman Theatre, Chicago

Hamlet, William Shakespeare, Act I, Scene 2, Lines 154-159
Brian Loxley is by far the best speech coach I have ever worked with. A speech master, who does not omit any detail. An artist, who is always looking for perfection."
Jordan Kimley, film actor
Special thanks for your professional guidance and instruction in voice and speech, acting and overall practical information as I grow and develop as an actor here in the Big City. You’ve been a pleasure to work with and [I] look forward to the time when we can pick up where we left off. Keep up the good work and take good care. Sincerely,"