Proper Pronunciation Guide




  • Pronounce the first letter “r” as the consonant glide
  • Pronounce the letters “ur” as the “R-Vowel” Diphthong /ʊ͜ɚ/—like the vowel in the word “sure.”
  • Pronounce the letter “a” as the weak schwa vowel
  • Link from the diphthong /ʊ͜ɚ/ to the schwa
    /ə/ with another consonant glide

Practice Sentences:

Their address is Rural Route 2.
He was travelling in a rural area of the country.


  • (adjective) A part of the land which is sparsely populated and not built up; the countryside.


The first syllable of this word, by itself, is a homophone (same pronunciation) with “Ruhr”—the name of a river in Germany as well as the name of its surrounding valley region.
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