Proper Pronunciation Guide


[lɪ niɚ]


  • Pronounce this word as three syllables, stressing the first one.
  • Pronounce the letter “i” as the short vowel
    /ɪ/ —like the vowel in the word “sit.”
  • Pronounce the second syllable like the word “knee.”
  • Pronounce the final letters “ar” as the weak R-Vowel
    /ɚ/ —like they are pronounced in the word “sugar.”
  • Use the y-like consonant glide
    /j/ to link from the second to the final syllable—from
    /i/ to
    /ɚ/ .

Practice Sentences:

He worked out a linear equation.
They measured 30 linear feet from the garage to the house.


  • (adjective) In a straight line.

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