Proper Pronunciation Guide




  • Pronounce this word as two syllables, stressing the second one.
  • Pronounce the letters “oy” as
    /ɔ͜i/—like they are pronounced in the word “boy.”
  • Pronounce the second syllable like the name of the letter “n” [ɛn].
  • Use the y-like consonant glide
    /j/ to link from the first to the second syllable—from
    /ɔ͜i/ to
  • Do not pronounce the final letter “e.”

Practice Sentence:

She is the doyenne of the opera world.


  • (noun) A woman who is indisputably the very best in her field and holds sway over all others.


“Doyenne” is the feminine of “doyen,” which is pronounced the same way, making these two words homophones—the difference being shown only in the written form—like policeman and policemen. However, “doyen” is not used much, having been supplanted by the word “dean” (Sterling Brown was the dean of Black American poets).
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