Proper Pronunciation Guide


[sɑf mɔ͜ɚ]


  • Pronounce the first letter “o” as
    /ɑ/—and stress it.
  • Pronounce the letters “ph” as
  • Do not pronounce the second letter “o,” thereby making this word only two syllables.
  • Pronounce the final syllable like the word “more.”

Practice Sentences:

He will be a sophomore in college next year.
The sophomore class went on a trip to Wasington D. C. this spring.


  • (noun) The second year of a four-year academic program in either high school or college—the other years being freshman, junior, and senior. A student in the second year of a four-year program.


  • In the second practice sentence the word “sophomore” forms a compound noun with “class,” and the two words each receive a heavy stress because the class is made up of sophomores. Other similar compounds are “sophomore year” and “sophomore students.”
  • The word “sophomoric” [sɑ fə mɔ͜ɚək] in which the third syllable is stressed, means juvenile, puerile, and immature or over-confident because of one’s own ignorance, arising from the Greek: wisdom (sophos) and foolish or stupid (moros) (moron). It is sometimes said that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
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