Proper Pronunciation Guide


[kwɪk̚ ək]


  • Pronounce the letters “qu” as /kw/.
  • Pronounce the letter “x” as /ks/; however, stop-but-do-not-explode the letter “k” at the end of the first syllable—/k̚/—and release the air on the following consonant
    /s/, which begins the second syllable.
  • Pronounce the lettere “o” as /a/—like the vowel in the word “stop”—and stress it.
  • Pronounce the letteer “t” as a lightly tapped
    /d/ in quick speech.

Practice Sentence:

He set out on a quixotic journey to the North Pole.


  • (adjective) Impractical, foolish, romantic, visionary.


This word evolved from the fictional Spanish character Don Quixote [ki ho ti], who was a naive, romantic character who “tilted at windmills” and quested after the impossible. So, quixotic means behaving like Don Quixote.
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