Proper Pronunciation Guide


[fju tḷ]


  • Pronounce the letter “u” like the name of the letter itself—
    /ju/—and stress it.
  • The second syllable consists of a “t” followed by a “syllabic l”
    /ḷ/ — with no vowel between the “t” and “l.”

Practice Sentence:

Their attempts to rescue the victims were futile.


  • (adjective) Completely unsuccessful; useless.


In quick speech the /t/ in this word may be pronounced as a lightly tapped /d/, making it a homophone with the word “feudal,” the social system of lords and serfs in the Middle Ages. However, this word, futile, is usually pronounced a bit more slowly because it is emphasized, indicating the speaker’s exasperation. The pronunciation [fju tɑ͜iəɫ], where the last part of the word is pronounced like the word “tile,” is more a British pronunciation.
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