Proper Pronunciation Guide


[i kwɪ və kḷ]


  • Pronounce the initial letter “e” like the name of the letter itself—
  • Pronounce the letters “qu” as /kw/.
  • Stress the second syllable [kwɪ].
  • Do not mix up the consonants “w” and “v.” Be sure to pronounce the consonant glide
    /w/ accurately by bringing the lips forward and not substituting the voiced fricative consonant
    /v/ for it, which itself begins the following syllable.
  • Pronounce the letter “o” as the weak schwa vowel
  • Do not pronounce the letter “a” in the final syllable; rather pronounce
    /k/ followed by a “syllabic l”
    /ḷ/, which takes the place of a vowel in forming the syllable.

Practice Sentence:

They were equivocal about supporting his candidacy for governor.


  • (adjective) Vacillating, unsure, weak (literally: giving “equal voice” to whether or not to do something—maybe “yes” and then again maybe “no”).


This word is often used with the negative prefix “un,” as in “She demanded their unequivocal support,” which would mean, of course, that they would not be vacilating but rather would be very sure and strong in their support.
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