Proper Pronunciation Guide
[i kwɪ və kḷ]
- Pronounce the initial letter “e” like the name of the letter itself—/i/.
- Pronounce the letters “qu” as /kw/.
- Stress the second syllable [kwɪ].
- Do not mix up the consonants “w” and “v.” Be sure to pronounce the consonant glide /w/ accurately by bringing the lips forward and not substituting the voiced fricative consonant/v/ for it, which itself begins the following syllable.
- Pronounce the letter “o” as the weak schwa vowel /ə/.
- Do not pronounce the letter “a” in the final syllable; rather pronounce /k/ followed by a “syllabic l”/ḷ/, which takes the place of a vowel in forming the syllable.
Practice Sentence:
They were equivocal about supporting his candidacy for governor. |
(adjective) Vacillating, unsure, weak (literally: giving “equal voice” to whether or not to do something—maybe “yes” and then again maybe “no”).