Proper Pronunciation Guide


[kɛ͜ɚək̚ ɚ]


  • Pronounce the letters “ar” as the diphthong
    /ɛ͜ɚ/— like the word “air”—and not as
    /ɝ/ .
  • Pronounce the second letter “a” as the weak schwa vowel
  • Use the consonant glide
    /r/ to link from the first to the second syllable—from /ɛ͜ɚ/ to
  • Stop-but-do-not-explode the “k” sound—/k̚/—at the end of the second syllable.
  • Pronounce the letter “t” as a lightly tapped
    /d/ in quick speech.

Practice Sentence:

Ann Marie's old car has a lot of character.
  • Past Week’s Words

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